
Showing posts from October, 2019

Today has not been my day, but let's talk milestones.

I'm not entirely surprised. [Final Girls by Riley Sager]

In the age of the internet...

The author knows what he wrote. [Smoke by Dan Vyleta]

Are we talking dimension hopping? I'm excited. [York: The Shadow Cipher by Laura Ruby]

#Readathon/@Readathon 2019: Reading Updates

#Readathon/@Readathon October 2019; A first.

A beautiful prompt to learn more. [kimotinâniwiw itwêwina / Stolen Words by Melanie Florence]

10% First Impressions: Rotherweird by Andrew Caldecott

10% First Impressions: The Princess Beard by Delilah S. Dawson and Kevin Hearne

10% First Impressions: The Flower Arranger by J.J. Ellis

I'm really happy I got to read this book. [Wild About Weeds by Jack Wallington]

There was an attempt. It failed. [Athena's Choice by Adam Boostrom]

10% First Impressions: Final Girls by Riley Sager

10% First Impressions: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

10% First Impressions: The Cult of Eden by Bill Halpin

10% First Impressions: York - The Shadow Cipher by Laura Ruby

It's a question of starting point. [Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King]

Bad writing is...

10% First Impressions: Smoke by Dan Vyleta

10% First Impressions: Athena's Choice by Adam Boostrom

10% First Impressions: Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Why was I afraid?

On suppositions.

I am a book thot.

Where child assassins meet cults and the supernatural. [Pivot by L.C. Barlow]