
Showing posts from December, 2019

I didn't know how much I didn't know. [Towards a Global Middle Ages: Encountering the World through Illuminated Manuscripts edited by Bryan C. Keene]

Scandinavia is witches' country. [The Little Book of Scandi Living by Brontë Aurell]

Difficult (not really) decisions had to be made.

Escapism to my dreams with interior design. [Home Story by Tina Schneider-Rading]

The journey of a story. [The Righteous One by Neil Perry Gordon]

The many attributes of water. [Nibi is Water/nibi aawon nbiish by Joanne Robertson]

A long held dream of stewardship. [Whole Farm Management: From Start-up to Sustainability (edited) by Garry Stephenson]

This is my kind of comedy. [The Princess Beard by Delilah S. Dawson and Kevin Hearne]

Reporters are annoying. [The Flower Arranger by J.J. Ellis]

Back to the (e-)stacks.

Keeping up my efforts and falling behind.

Adult things.

A family friendly sequel. [Doctor Sleep by Stephen King]

You need a Go Bag.

End of Month Double Feature. [Monster On The Moors by J.M. Kelly; The Jumpgate by Robert Stadnik]